Build your
Every student is unique. We work with you to build your career in the events industry. Here’s how…
Course content is specifically designed for job-readiness. Our Industry Engagement Program (IEP) and access to Event Talent Agency (ETA) provides opportunities to volunteer, intern and gain paid work in industry while you study. Our Mentor Program matches you with experienced event professionals to guide you in the final stage of study. Our Alumni Program keeps you in the loop after you’ve graduated and provides an ongoing support network and job opportunities for further career progression. We’re with you all the way!
Event Talent Agency (ETA) is our exclusive in-house recruitment service. CoEM students have access to ETA during and after completing their studies.
Many industry opportunities, including volunteering, internships and paid roles are listed and continually updated on ETA.
Remember, many event roles are not advertised so ETA gives you a head start in the event jobs market.
Most people don’t understand how large and complex the global events industry is. Some stats for perspective…
2,157 exhibitions
staged in Australia
attracting 9.3M
Business events
generate 1.7M
jobs around the
37M people
attended more
than 400K business
events in Australia
$2.5 billion spent
by event visitors in
the state of NSW
alone in 2016

Thanks to CoEM for your excellence in skills development. [The student’s] ability to take on tasks from Day 1 has been outstanding, an absolute reflection of the depth of detailed education that she received during her course. Already she is an asset to our team.
Mandi Ford – Director Essential Solutions

Best thing about CoEM students is the high calibre of talent coming out of the college. Whether we’re offering volunteering roles, temporary paid roles, internships or permanent full time roles, we have no doubts that we’ll receive quality people who are polished, professional, entirely reliable and can be useful immediately.
Billie Cox – Event Management Professional

It was inspiring to see the high standard of professional, level of thought and practice that was demonstrated by your students. The level of professionalism and depth of knowledge shown by students is testament to the way CoEM operates.
Ruth Friedman – Events and Venue Professional

Trumpet Events has had many volunteers from CoEM over the past year. Each one has proven to be a valuable asset to our event teams. They are motivated and well prepared for life in the world of event management. 2 students have been offered internships. I have no hesitation in recommending any CoEM student to potential employers.
Trumpet Events, Melbourne

The level of the Major Project presentations were extremely high and demonstrates the high level of course content the students receive from the college. Each group had ideas that could definitely could be taken to market, proof that the course content is strong and leading the students in the right direction to commence their careers in events.
Belinda Collins – The Social Crew