Learn to use this popular, industry standard event management software solution.
Add to your event management toolkit and learn EventsAIR, industry software that assists event professionals to organise events. This certification will add a valuable skill for advancement of your events career.
Course Description
This course will provide you with the skills and knowledge required to use an industry standard event management software system. Knowing how to confidently use EventsAIR is a practical and valuable addition to your event management toolkit and will automatically increase your employability.
The EventsAIR course is self-paced and broken into modules/topics. Content consists of a combination of demonstrations and theory followed by practical use of the software in hypothetical situations. Learning and tech support is on hand if needed.
During the course you will explore the following topics/modules including:
- Welcome/Orientation in Rising Star
- Reporting
- Communication
- Dashboard
- Attendee Management
- Agendas
- Registration
- Finances
- PLUS Advanced topics
This course has two assessment tasks:
- EventsAIR core modules exam
- EventsAIR advanced modules exam
Course duration
On average this course takes approximately 30 hours to complete and is usually completed within a four week period. Students have up to six months to complete the course.
Points to note:
- EventsAIR is delivered via Open Learning, the CoEM online platform AND Rising Star, the EventsAIR curriculum
- For training purposes you will be provided with your own EventsAIR account
- On completion of the course you will gain an accreditation certificate in the EventsAIR software platform
Event management software skills are becoming an ever-increasing criteria for event roles. First-hand feedback from our partners in leading events companies tells us…EventsAIR skills are in demand!
“ Become proficient at event management software as you will always get the job over someone who doesn’t have that skill”. Patrick O’Reilly, Impact Exhibitions and Events
Other Benefits
- Receive an accreditation certificate in EventsAIR
- Knowledge of event management software is a valuable addition to any event manager’s toolkit
- Enhance your employment prospects or career progression
Enrol now and continue your career development with knowledge of this industry tool.
There are no entry requirements for this course however a basic knowledge of event management practice is advisable.
EventsAIR FEES – $350
Upfront payment only

Master this
popular events

Obtain a
certification for
your resume

Add to your
event skills

Enjoy a fun
and interesting
online experience